Businesses-or managers- should ignore work-related stress at a high cost to themselves. Estimating at an approximate cost of £500 per year for every working adult, workplace stress from issues such as pressure from deadlines, lack of control over working conditions, targets, change from the top, too much or too little responsibility, workload, job security and such like continues to result in vast negative publicity for businesses.
But how can the individual facing work-related stress learn to ‘manage’ such unhealthy working conditions?
It’s unlikely that you will keep this in a separate compartment to other areas of your life but that, conversely, it will affect your sleeping, eating and relationship patterns.
- Recognise the symptoms. Be proactive about taking steps to change the situation.
- Do not allow working hours to be your entire life. Putting work into perspective is critical.
- Manage your time more carefully. Do not work increasingly longer hours. Do not be available at all hours but make time for family and friends nox windows 10 ensure you have a work – life balance.
- Identify the areas in which you can make change more easily. Taking even the smallest of steps can ultimately lead to larger differences in stress levels. Plan ways to manage difficulties with a few positive actions. Reorganise each situation and gain more control over it
Develop more resilience to stress through the psychological qualities of the 3 Cs – commitment, control and challenge. Develop the capacity to accept challenges but yet still be committed to family and job. Take charge of your life and make positive choices which will impact on work and home. Learn to see change as a challenge rather than a threat. Learn to be in command of your own life by becoming hardy.
Pressures and problems which can cause stress will not necessarily go away. But your perception of them – and how you deal with them – can help to reduce stress levels significantly.