Treatment for Anxiety

During 1-2-1 sessions with me, you will learn new coping strategies and ways to remain calm and relaxed helping you to rid yourself of any feelings of anxiety. Using a mixture of therapies counselling and relaxation techniques, living without anxiety stopping you is a possibility.

*Results may vary from person to person.

Do you find yourself with feelings of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome? Do you simply find yourself worrying for no reason at all? These are common signs of anxiety and with the help of 1-2-1 therapy and counselling, you may be able to overcome these.

*Results may vary from person to person.
General Anxiety Disorder is by far the most common form of reported anxiety. This is because in so many cases people feel anxious for little or no immediate, logical reason. A person can feel anxious on most days, worrying about lots of different things, this can also become a labelled Anxiety when it lasts for more than 6 months.
A person feels very fearful about a particular object or situation and may go to great lengths to avoid it, for example, having an injection or travelling on a plane. There are many different types of phobias.
A person has ongoing unwanted/intrusive thoughts and fears that cause anxiety. Although the person may acknowledge these thoughts as silly, they often try to relieve their anxiety by carrying out certain behaviours or rituals. For example, a fear of germs and contamination can lead to constant washing of hands and clothes.
This can happen after a person experiences a traumatic event (e.g. war, assault, accident, disaster). Symptoms can include difficulty relaxing, upsetting dreams or flashbacks of the event, and avoidance of anything related to the event. PTSD is diagnosed when a person has symptoms for at least a month.
A person has panic attacks, which are intense, overwhelming and often uncontrollable feelings of anxiety combined with a range of physical symptoms. A person having a panic attack may experience shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness and excessive perspiration. Sometimes, people experiencing a panic attack think they are having a heart attack or are about to die. If a person has recurrent panic attacks or persistently fears having one for more than a month, the person is said to have panic disorder.
  • Sufferers Of The UK Population 9.2% 9.2%
  • Success Rates Using Self Help And Therapy 75% 75%
  • People In The UK Receiving Treatment 25% 25%

What Is Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry or fear. At some point in our lives, we will feel anxious for some reason. When it becomes an ongoing issue this is when you may need help in changing the way you see things and react to situations. Having a little bit of anxiety can be helpful in our lives, for example before an exam you may feel anxious, this can make you more alert and actually improve your performance. However, too much anxiety can make you tired and unable to concentrate.

Symptoms Of Anxiety

There are many symptoms of anxiety but here are a few to look out for if you think you may be suffering from anxiety:

  • Feeling worried or uneasy a lot of the time
  • Having difficulty sleeping making you tired
  • Not being able to concentrate
  • Being irritable
  • Being extra alert
  • Feeling on edge or not being able to relax
  • Needing frequent reassurance from other people
  • Feeling tearful
  • Pounding heartbeat
  • Breathing fast
  • Palpitations
  • Feeling Sick
  • Chest Pains
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Loss Of Appetite
  • Feeling Faint
  • Butterflies In Your Tummy
Is Anxiety Bad For You
Having a little bit of anxiety is fine, however long term anxiety may cause more serious health problems such as high blood pressure. You may also be more likely to develop infections.
What Can I Expect From Therapy
Therapy can be a great way to help overcome anxiety without having to resort to medication. During 1-2-1 sessions you will learn breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, CBT to allow you to evaluate situations differently.*Results may vary from person to person
Why Should I Choose Therapy
Counselling / Therapy is a fast, safe and effective way to empower a person to be able to deal with a particular situation should it arise again. It’s not a magic wand though! *Results may vary from person to person

How’s Your Anxiety

I have created an online anxiety quiz. This has been designed to give you an understanding of how severe your anxiety is. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the past 10 years for many anxiety-related conditions, but for each person, their experience is completely unique. Take the Free scorecard to find out how severe your anxiety is. It takes less than 75 seconds.

What’s Involved

Typically my clients start the program with 3 sessions initially. During the sessions, we will discuss many stress reduction techniques. This is to give you a toolbox to use should you choose to.

Conscious & Subconscious

Hypnosis can be an intervention for treating anxiety, however as it deals with the unconscious response I also like to give real-world techniques to empower my clients in their quest to become free from anxiety and learn to manage it going forward. *Results may vary from person to person


Some people suffer for years with Stress for years. Stress reductions programs are 3 or more weeks long to suit the individual. I usually have availability within 2-3 weeks too. Contact me to find out more. *Results may vary from person to person

Drop Me a Line

Contact me regarding any enquiries, questions and to make a booking. Many thanks and I look forward to hear from you. Paula 🙂

*Results may vary from person to person.

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