About Me
Once: Shy, Anxious, Overweight with Low Self Esteem. Now a full-time Qualified Hypnotherapist and Registered Counsellor in Milton Keynes helping 15+ people per week and a Podcaster with over 2.8 million downloads worldwide.
Paula x
I’m Paula Sweet
I’m living my passion. Helping people to live their lives without limits. 1-2-1 therapy and counselling have helped me to literally transform the way I was living. And, I have helped 000’s do the same.
I believe and have seen, that there is no one size fits all solutions when it comes to mental health conditions. This is why I have qualifications in Hypnotherapy, NLP, Counselling and CBP.
Satisfied Clients
Treatment Interventions
“You can make changes in your life when you make changes in your life. I will help you.”
Paula Sweet
My Skills
I work with individuals on a wide range of psychological issues. Typically, I will use Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP and Counselling skills with most clients. However, I never know what intervention I’ll use before working with any client. I deal with what presents and use the best practice available at that time.
As well as face to face sessions with clients, my podcast on ITunes means I can help people all over the world with Hypnotherapy, mindfulness and self-help sessions. And, if you can’t travel to me, we have Skype too.
- Psychotherapy
- Counselling
- CBT Techniques
My qualifications
- HPD in Hypnotherapy (Open University Recognised)
- Registered Counsellor (BACP)
- Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy
- Counselling Level 3 Certificate
- Master Practitioner in NLP
My Story
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My Story (5 minute read)
Please note: This is my personal story and my experience with Hypnotherapy, CBT, Counselling, NLP and coaching. *Results may vary from person to person.
I know all to well that hypnosis NLP and coaching really work, because of 8 years ago when I was 6 stone heavier and almost too shy to leave the house for fear of being put into a social situation that I didn’t want to be in or felt I couldn’t handle. I have now changed my life around. Here’s a little bit about me and my story.
As an overweight child who had a diet of fish and chips because that’s where my mother worked and it was always easier to have meals from the chip shop as she worked too late on most nights, I rapidly became unhealthy, low in confidence and self-esteem. This started at a young age and carried on all through my teens and early twenties.
During school, I was what you could call a recluse. I didn’t want to interact or be part of groups of friends for fear of being rejected because I was overweight. It was always too easy for people to pick on me as the “fat one” of the group. Because of this, I generally stayed at home watching TV or getting myself into a spiral of eating more and hating myself for it.
There came a time when I would pretend to be Ill just so my mum wouldn’t send me to school. School for me felt like hell. This leads me to leave school with very low grades and even lower self-esteem and self-worth.
After school, I tried attending college for all sorts of further education from childcare to hairdressing and beauty therapy but never stuck out to the end of my courses for once again fear of failure.
I finally left college feeling that I would never amount to anything and that I would just simply end up in a job I didn’t want to do gaining more and more weight and having less confidence.
After a few years, I began to become interested in blogging. It became apparent that what I was trying to achieve in college all along was to help people to feel better about themselves, but my own insecurities and weight problem held me back from that. However, helping people through blogging is easier to do as its’ done behind a computer screen and not face to face.
Thanks to blogging my confidence began to flourish and I eventually met my now-husband through my blogging network. We quickly became friends with similar interests and the rest, as they say, is history.
Fast forward 6 years and after spending many afternoons and evenings listening to my husband, his Dad, and his Dads’ Wife talk about Hypnosis, Counselling, CBT and NLP techniques all while sitting quietly in the background. I didn’t have anything to add to the conversation, but, I felt a desire to learn. I decided this was the right time for me to make a change for myself. For good, and for the good of others too.
I asked my husband to help me lose weight with the use of hypnosis. After some time and work, I finally lost the excess 6 stone that I had been carrying all through my teens and early twenties. I decided I wanted to be able to help people just like me whose lives were riddled with personal issues feeling like they were up a creek without a paddle.
I completed my therapy training, bolted on more and more qualifications to ensure I had the tools, and now, I’ve helped thousands of people, with all sorts of personal issues.
Being a full-time therapist allows me to help people on a one to one basis, however, with the podcast, this allows me to spread my knowledge, experience, and skills to allow others around the world to transform their lives as I have done with mine.
My podcast gets downloaded over 100,000 times per month (as of Nov 2019) from all over the world. And a Total downloads of over 2.4 Million.
I strive to ensure positive and ethical working practices at all times and seek to achieve positive results with all clients in a confidential and caring way.
At present, hypnotherapy like other therapies is still largely unregulated. Therefore, is open to a number of people practising without the correct training and hypnotherapy qualifications.
When I took over Absolute Mind it was important for me to show, I have trained to achieve the highest recognised standards and qualifications
Hypnotherapy I hold a Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma. HPD Qualification.
NLP Master Practitioner
Counselling Level 3
I am CRB checked and I adhere to the Code of Ethics.
I have a professional member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy.
How I work
On contacting me I will offer you a free Initial Consultation by phone face-2-face or email during which I will
- Clarify your issue/s
- Identify your goal/s
- Explain the therapy approaches and how we will work together
- Indicate the number of sessions involved in the process
- Answer any questions you may have
There is no obligation to proceed with therapy at the end of this consultation. As an approximation, we tend to book therapy over three sessions and then review progress. For many issues, this can be long enough to achieve the desired outcomes. *Results may vary from person to person.
Paula Sweet
D.HYP / D.NLP / Cert SM / HPD