Today’s podcast is all about how self sabotage can have an impact on your relationships and your life, self sabotage is different to negative self talk and when you get on the spiral of self sabotage you can massively dampen your enjoyment in life.

What Today’s Podcast Will Cover

  • Reasons for self sabotage
  • How to stop self sabotage
  • Hypnosis

Todays Quote

“I knew that i had turned my world back to cinders, sunk my lovely ship with my own stupid, wicked hands”

Thank’s For Listening

Thank you all again for listening to the daily podcasts i deliver, i enjoy each and every one and cant wait to give you more. I will shortly be starting a weekly series of topic and each day will be focused on different areas of the topic. As always if you would like to connect with me on social media please head over to Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus, the links to these pages are at the top and bottom of this webpage.