Today’s podcast is all about stage fright and how you can over come it to ensure you can give your best performance in all situations. Stage fright isn’t restricted to those on stage, if you find that you freeze up when you need to talk in a group of your friends then you could follow these steps and use them to your advantage.

What Today’s Podcast Will Cover

  • What is stage fright
  • What can cause stage fright
  • How to over come stage fright

Today’s Quote

“I have fu with the fright, work with it, you have to, that’s your timing teh beat of excitment and when i go on stage it’s just like taking a step into heaven, poof and there i am” Eddie Bracken

Thank’s For Listening

Thank you all for listening and continuing to do so each day, my listeners numbers are growing and i love to hear feedback so if you do have any comments or feedback i would love to hear yours too. connect with me on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus, the links to these pages are at the top and bottom of the webpage.