Today’s podcast is all about dealing with a divorce, if you have recently experienced a marriage ending or if you haven’t got over your divorce from years back you can use today’s tips to help you face the truth of what has happened and move on with your life how you want to.
It can be hard when a marriage breaks down but if you can look at it from a different perspective and see things more clearly your divorce can be over easily and to suite your needs.
What Today’s Podcast Will Cover
- What feelings you might have during a divorce
- How to cope with your feelings
- Staying amicable with your ex-partner
- What’s best to do if children are involved
Today’s Quote
Good Reads
“Divorce isn’t such a tragedy; a tragedy is staying in an unhappy marriage teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of a divorce”
Thanks For listening
As always I want to thank you all for listening to these podcasts. If you have got any feedback on what I’ve been discussing recently please do pop over to the Itunes store and leave me comments and reviews I would love to know if you have any suggestions and would really keep me motivated to continue doing this every day. As I always mention in the podcasts I am on social media so please do connect with me my twitter, Facebook and Google plus pages are all at the top and the bottom of the website head on over and add me and let me know you’ve found me through the podcasts.