Stress Management

Stress is not all bad. But when it consumes you and prevents you from operating like you know you should do, then it’s time to take some action. Too much stress can cause a huge range of other problems, both physical and psychological.

*Results may vary from person to person.
If excess stress is a part of your daily life and it is holding you back, then a stress reduction and management programme could be a viable option for you. When stress gets out of hand, it can become debilitating. Stress, if not managed, controlled and understood can rule you as you probably already know if you’re reading this! Thankfully there are a range of stress reducing techniques and processes that I teach and explain in my 1-2-1 therapy sessions.

*Results may vary from person to person.
Acute stress is the most common form of stress suffered today. This stress comes from the demands and pressures of the past and pressures of the near future and is most commonly short term. Acute stress can be felt as exciting and thrilling in small doses but can become exhausting when too much is felt.
Episodic acute stress is felt more frequent than acute stress and people who suffer from this form of stress are generally living their lives in chaos, always in a rush but always late. If something can go wrong it will and so on. You may find that you take on too much and are unable to keep up with the demands of these self-inflicted pressures seeming to always be in chaos.
Chronic stress is a grinding stress that can wear people down day after day, there is no exciting thrill when suffering from chronic stress. This type of stress can be soul destroying. The stresses of poverty, dysfunctional families, feeling trapped in unhappy marriages etc it’s the stress that is never ending. If you’re suffering from chronic stress you may feel that there is no way out of a miserable situation feeling like there’s no hope and eventually give up searching for a solution.
  • Stress Caused Work Related Illness 2014/2015 35% 35%
  • Adults Who Say Life Is More Stressful Than 5 Years Ago 59% 59%
  • Average Reduction In Stress After Intervention 64% 64%

What Is Stress

Too much Stress sometimes classed as Distress is extremely debilitating. Stress to certain levels is a daily feeling for all people, but when stress is the most prevalent feeling and it’s dragging you down, causing you to notice other signs of extreme stress then actions need to be taken by you. Your body can only take so much, and if left untreated Stress will manifest into far more problematic symptoms. Stress is the bodies way of reacting to a problematic event, thought and feeling. When our biggest stress was being eaten by a lion twice per month, Stress was useful and beneficial.

Symptoms Of Stress

There are many symptoms of Stress and here are a few of the most common. Look out for these if you think you may be suffering from Stress:

  • Frequent headaches, jaw clenching or pain
  • Teeth Grinding
  • Stuttering
  • Tremors
  • Muscle aches
  • Tiredness
  • Cold sweaty hands
  • Blushing
  • Heartburn
  • IBS constipation, diarrhea
  • Chest palpitations
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Increased and decreased appetite
  • Low libido
  • Disorganised
  • Crying spells
  • Overreacting
  • Reduced efficiency
  • Socially withdrawn
Is Stress All Bad For You?
Fast answer! No! Stress can be so useful. It is like driving a car at full speed. you can only do it for so long before you get into trouble, but if the circumstances are right it can massively help you. Short term stress used to your advantage is fantastic. This is how people achieve amazing feats. Long term sustained stress on the other hand! This is potentially life threatening.
What Can I Expect From Therapy
Therapy can be a great way to help overcome stress without having to resort to medication. During 1-2-1 sessions you will learn breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, CBT to allow you to evaluate situations differently. *Results may vary from person to person
Why Should I Choose Therapy
Counselling / Therapy can be a fast, safe and effective way to empower a person to be able to deal with a particular situation should it arise again. *Results may vary from person to person

What’s Involved

Typically my clients start the program with 3 sessions initially. During the sessions, we will discuss many stress reduction techniques. This is to give you a tool box to use should you choose to.

Conscious & Subconscious

Hypnosis can be an intervention for treating Stress, however as it deals with the unconscious response I also like to give real-world techniques to empower my clients in their quest to become free from Stress, and learn to manage it going forward. *Results may vary from person to person


Some people suffer for years with Stress for years. Stress reductions programs are 3 or more weeks long to suit the individual. I usually have availability within 2-3 weeks too. Contact me to find out more. *Results may vary from person to person

Drop Me a Line

Contact me regarding any enquiries, questions and to make a booking. Many thanks and I look forward to hear from you. Paula 🙂

*Results may vary from person to person.

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