Want to Finally Overcome Premature Ejaculation?

“Discover A Renewed You, Let Go Of The Fear of Premature Ejaculation, Feel Confident, Empowered, Full of Energy and In Control. This Hypnosis Programme May Be The Answer.”

So, How Do You Go From Frustrated, Out of Control and Always Thinking that Sex Is Un-fulfilling and Ends Too Quickly. To a Calm, Confident and Fully in Control Lover Without Years of Therapy or Medication?

I Can Tell You Confidently. The Solution Doesn’t have to be Complicated

‘Hi, I’m Paula. Milton Keynes based therapist. Podcaster with over 3 million downloads and over 250 shows. In the past 7 years, as a qualified Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Nutritionist and Fitness Coach. I work daily with addictions and compulsions.

Hypnosis is a great help. The science is clear on this.

My varied hypnosis approach covering all possible Premature Ejaculation issues guarantees we tackle the issues holding you back. This simple and Natural Process covers all Angles that affect you.

Premature Ejaculation doesn’t have to be a part of your life. More often, it’s a process that’s been built over time because ejaculation needed to be rushed. Sometimes, it can stem from too much stress to perform. Most try to stop ejaculation and find they fail time after time. The stress and anxiety around stopping only makes it worse. Some men will live with it, some want to take action and make a change. Which are you? Would you spend 30 Mins a day relaxing listening to Hypnosis and some minor changes is all it takes. Are you ready to be free from the Premature Ejaculation?

My Promise “Go from Frustrated and Out of Control and Dissapointed about Sex and PE, to a calm and relaxed Lover In Control of your Ejaculation Response in less than 14 days or your Money Back!”

I want to be completely honest and open with you. This Hypnosis programme is mainly aimed at Men who struggle to control their Ejaculation at least 70% of the time. 

Here’s what we know.
The longer you leave this, the more ingrained the habit becomes.
Taking action against PE early is essential!

I typically help men from 20 – 57 years old who have be hit by the ingrained and unconscious pattern of Premature Ejaculation.

The Natural Premature Ejaculation Solution!

1: Hypnosis for Relaxing Your Ejaculation Response
2: Hypnosis for Self-Esteem and Confident Lover
3: Hypnosis for Control Your Thoughts
4: Hypnosis to Break the Old Ejaculation Triggers
5: Hypnosis for Self-control

Each of the tracks are around 30 minutes long and are professionally recorded in my studio. They are designed to be relaxing and enjoyable.

It’s so simple for you. Simply listen to each of these in order for 30 days for the best results.

Each of these tracks are emailed with simple instructions and a fool-proof click to play format from any device. Easy, discreet and as simple as clicking a link in your email.

And, If you don’t notice an improvement, email me within 14 days from purchase with the email address you purchased with for a full no-quibble money-back guarantee.

No refunds are given after 14 days, no exceptions!


Is This For You?

  • Simple & Easy to Listen, No-Tech, No Downloads Necessary. Fool-Proof Instant Access.
  • Proven Hypnosis tracks covering all elements of Premature Ejaculation. No elements missed out.
  • Enjoyable and Natural process with Zero Side-Effects and Health Risks
  • 30 minutes a day is all it takes. Are you willing to give yourself 30 mins a day, for you?


Life-changing. Thank you, Paula.
I was sceptical about Hypnosis and how it would work. Very happy with the results.
Paula, I’m so pleased with this. I’m not back to myself at 25-year-old but the difference is noticeable thank you.

More reviews on Google, iTunes, Facebook


All prices on absolutemind.co.uk and other Absolute Mind affiliated websites are displayed in US DOLLARS unless otherwise stated at the checkout.
*Also Note: Results cannot be guaranteed, and, results from individual testimonials are for reference only and your own personal experience may differ to those shown on this site.

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